Housekeeping | Ted Berry Company | Maine


Good housekeeping is critical to incident prevention and must be a daily key objective of the entire project team. We can have clean, well appearing, incident free jobs only if we really want them and insist that everyone cooperates. Good housekeeping requires constant effort and vigilance to make certain the job and equipment are kept in good condition.

A safe worker knows he can do his best work easier and more quickly if good housekeeping is maintained. Learning the habit of good housekeeping takes practice. The familiar expression ‘a place for everything and everything in its place’, will assist you in your efforts.

Materials left on the job should be stored in a central location and if at all possible stacked out of the way. When cleaning up be sure that all combustible materials are disposed of properly. Tripping accident’s can be reduced significantly by frequent clean-ups. Sharp-edged and pointed tools should be stored in such a way as to prevent injuries.

Each member of the crew has a responsibility to insure good housekeeping in all phases of their work. It’s a lot easier to pick up as you work instead of waiting for the end of the shift. The importance of the relationship between an orderly job and a safe job cannot be overstressed.

Remember, good housekeeping promotes safety in the workplace, improves performance, protects you and the public, and just makes good sense.

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